Saving Our Community Thousands, One Family at a Time

We are just caring people who care for our community and we want to right a wrong that is happening to homeowners

What sets us apart from the competition?

Our agents have been apart of  1000+ combined transactions over the past 5 years

A few minor things that make a big difference. One is our standards. To be a part of this family you have to have a proven track record of being able to help make clients dreams come true as well as consistently close multiple deals year after year before working with us. We are one of the few, if not only, Real Estate companies to require our agents to have a certain amount of closings per year for a predetermined amount of years. We do this to ensure our clients will only have the best experience working with our team. We also have a quality control department that will follow up with our clients at random to ask how the experience is going and if there is anything we could do differently.

In addition to this, we, of course, only charge 1% to sell our clients' homes. We found that by offering this exceptional deal to our community, it is easier to acquire a large amount of listings. In other words, while agents at other brokerages earn a few large paychecks a year and gain minimal experience, our agents earn numerous smaller paychecks and significantly more experience due to the higher volume of transactions they handle annually. Experience makes them better agents, and better agents make more income. This is a beneficial cycle that helps everyone involved, including, most importantly, our clients.

Proven Expertise and High Standards

At our real estate firm, we select only agents with a proven track record of multiple yearly deals, ensuring top-notch service. Our quality control department conducts random client follow-ups to continuously refine and exceed expectations.

Unmatched Value and Experience

We offer a leading 1% commission rate, securing high volumes of listings and providing our agents with extensive experience. Unlike other brokerages, our agents earn multiple smaller paychecks, making them better through more transactions.

Don't let other agents scare you away from savings

Don't let other agents scare you away from savings.
We are other agents' worst nightmare, competition that takes away their easy 10+ thousand dollar paychecks. The larger brokerages have entire scripts they encourage their agents' to memorize so they can be prepared when clients ask for a discounted commission. Some of the phrases you may hear from other Realtors are: "I can offer you a discounted rate, but that does come with a discounted service", "I don't work for a discounted paycheck, would you?", and the most common "Well you know the old saying, you get what you pay for!"

You may also hear many similar implications and rumors about us from them, just try to remember anything you hear from another agent about us is always going to be the worst thing they can possibly think of. They want to lock everyone into the payment structure real estate has been locked in for decades. It is a system in which a single home sales commission is often larger than 2 months worth of income for an agent's client.

Homes Sold
Client Satisfaction

Innovative Technology for a Seamless Experience

At our real estate firm, we leverage cutting-edge technology to streamline your buying and selling process. Our state-of-the-art digital tools provide real-time market insights, virtual home tours, and secure document management, ensuring you have all the information you need at your fingertips. This innovative approach not only saves you time but also enhances your overall experience, making it easier than ever to find your dream home or sell your property efficiently. With our advanced technology, you can trust that every step of your real estate journey will be smooth and hassle-free.

Personalized Service Tailored to You

Every client is unique, and so are their real estate needs. Our agents craft personalized strategies, offering tailored guidance from consultation to closing. With our dedicated service, you'll receive the individual attention you deserve, ensuring a seamless and rewarding real estate experience. Trust us to cater to your unique needs and achieve your real estate goals.

Why avoid working with other agents who offer to charge 1%?

We have helped sell or purchase over 525 million dollars worth of Real Estate during the previous 5 years

If another agent offers to charge only 1% from the very beginning of your interaction, we acknowledge they might be a good candidate to sell your home. All we ask is for the chance to meet in person so we can explain what we have to offer.

However, if an agent only offers to charge 1% after you mention us or ask for a reduction, that’s a decision worth reconsidering. Imagine someone trying to sell you a car for $90k, then suddenly dropping the price to $30k once you mention someone else is selling said car for $30k—would you trust them? Would you be comfortable trusting them with possibly one of the largest financial transactions of your life? Real estate requires trust, which is why, by law, weas agents must put our clients' interests above our own.

There are many points in a transaction where an agent could take advantage. Some might not negotiate the best deal for you simply because they want a quick close to get their paycheck. Others might prioritize their higher-paying 3%transactions over yours. With us, we genuinely value your business and have no problem charging just 1%. In fact, our company was founded on that principle!

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