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Frequently asked questions

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What sets us apart from the competition?

At List For 1% Real Estate Group, we offer full-service real estate solutions at a fraction of the cost. Unlike traditional brokerages that charge a 3% commission, our fee is only 1%, providing significant savings without compromising service quality.

How are we able to provide such a steep discount?

Several factors allow us to offer such competitive rates. One significant element is that our Broker charges our agents substantially lower fees to be a part of the company—around 1/4th of what most other brokerages charge their agents to be more specific. Many brokerages impose annual fees ranging from $30,000 to $40,000 on their agents for the 'privilege' of being associated with their firms. Additionally, some brokerages deduct a percentage from the agent's commission on every transaction, no matter how much revenue the agent generates for the company each year. We do not subject our agents to such practices. This enables our agents to make a comfortable living all while offering our clients savings in the process.

Which type of house do you take for promoting?

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What’s the average time to sale a house?

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